Birth Parent Services

If you are pregnant and considering adoption, please call our toll-free number 1-800-829-Love (5683).
The Datz Foundation is a licensed child placing agency with extensive experience in domestic adoption. The Foundation is led by a social worker and an adoption attorney who can provide understanding and dependable services to birth parents. If you have an unplanned pregnancy, you don't need to go it alone. We understand your needs and can help you make plans for your child's future.
We can help you receive: medical care, counseling, legal assistance, financial assistance for maternity-related expenses, and guidance in making the right decision for you.
If you are considering adoption, we offer the assistance of professional counselors to make arrangements and help you with what may be the most important choice of your life. Adoption can be as creative as you desire.
We match adoptive parents to your preferences regarding age, religion, personality, and/or appearance. You have the opportunity to meet the adoptive parent(s), if you wish.
You may be provided with pictures and progress reports to stay informed of your child's progress through the years.
You may indicate your wish to be contacted by the child when she or he is an adult. The Foundation offers you someone to talk to and trust.
Choosing adoption for your child is an act of love. It shows that you want your baby to have all the time, resources and experienced nurturing that a child needs regardless of the costs.
We investigate all families who want to adopt and carefully screen each person
in the family. Only those who are well suited to adoptions are approved
After a placement, we are available for long term counseling at no charge.
Click here for a pdf version of the Birth Mother Application.