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Domestic Adoptions


​The Datz Foundation does not maintain a waiting list of prospective adoptive parents for the following reason: In today’s world of adoption, women with untimely pregnancies contemplating adoption tend to use resources they find on the Internet, as opposed to contacting brick-and-mortar adoption agencies like Datz. Various on-line resources are available, but the common denominator is that their names appear immediately when the words “adopt” or “adoption” are googled.


As a result of this major change in the provision of adoption services, the Datz Foundation suggests that couples and individuals who want to adopt a US-born newborn baby do the following:
•  Commission a home study from Datz, assuming they live in VA, DC, or MD
•  Apply to one of the entities most often contacted by birthmothers via the Internet. These entities comprise licensed adoption
    agencies, facilitators, and attorneys.  What they have in common is that they match prospective adoptive parents with women
    contemplating making an adoption plan, or who have just given birth.
•  If a family is matched with a birthmother giving birth in VA, MD, or DC, the matching entity will probably retain us to carry
    out the necessary procedures and legal work to accomplish the adoption.


We work closely with the following matching entities: Adoption Network Law Center, CA; AdoptHelp, CA   

If you have located a birthmother—or birthfather—who wish to place their child, born or unborn, with you, the Datz Foundation can provide you with the following services:

•  Make contact with the birth family;
•  Advise you as to the best way to accomplish the adoption;
•  Provide adoption counseling to the relinquishing parents;
•  Accept legal custody of the child, assuming the child is born in VA, DC, or MD.
•  Place the child with you (directly from the hospital, if that is the wish of the birthparents);
•  Terminate the residual rights of the birthparents;
•  Grant consent for you to adopt the child;
•  Conduct the required post-placement supervision.



The agency-assisted private adoption is completed for a fixed fee of $5,500, assuming you have a current home study. These identified adoptions may be carried out in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland.

What are the advantages of an agency-assisted adoption through The Datz Foundation?
•  No need to retain any outside adoption professionals. Everything is accomplished “in house”.
•  No need to worry about the escalating fees of outside adoption professionals.  We cap the fee at $5,500, except if outside
    counsel is required.


If you are interested in pursuing an agency-assisted adoption through the Foundation, call us at (703) 242-8800 or (800) 829-LOVE and ask us to mail you a retainer agreement.


If you are interested in pursuing a home study, click on home study to download and print the agreement, and send it back with your remittance.

You may wish to schedule an individual orientation session centered on your situation and held at our Vienna, VA office.


311 Maple Avenue West

Suite E

Vienna, VA 22180




All Rights Reserved ©The Datz Foundation, 2023

17 Warren Road, #25 A

Pikesville, MD 21208



4545 42nd Street, NW

Suite 300

Washington, DC 20016

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