Post Placement Agreement

Whether you do an international or domestic adoption, in most cases post placement visits are required. These are visits by an agency social worker in which the progress of the child is discussed and the adjustment of the child and the family are assessed, resulting in a brief report that is submitted to the placing agency and Interstate Compact office if it is an out of state domestic placement. Datz Foundation is licensed to provide this service if you adopted a child through Datz Foundation or if you adopted through another agency but reside in a state where Datz Foundation is licensed. We cooperate with placing agencies throughout the U.S. to provide the reports in the time frame requested.
If you would like Datz Foundation to provide this service for you, please print the Post Placement Agreement and send it to Datz Foundation with appropriate payment.
The Datz Foundation, party of the first part, and the adoptive parents, the party of the second part, hereby agree:
1. That the Datz Foundation shall provide post-placement supervision for the adoption of the adoptive parents.
2. That the fee for such post placement services is $350 per visit.
3. That the total payment shall be made with the signing of this Agreement.
4. That the adoptive parents agree to cooperate in the compilation of the post placement report by attending all interviews and providing the necessary documents. Both parents and adoptee must be present for the interviews. A medical report is required on the health of the adoptee for both D.C. and Maryland post-placements.
5. The adoptive parents agree to reimburse The Datz Foundation for travel expenses for social workers and telephone calls made on their behalf to the placement agency.
6. The adoptive parents grant permission for the post placement report(s) to be sent to the following organizations (list name and address):
* ___ Post placement visit for __ x $ 350 = $____ Report(s) due by: _________
* ___ $500 for a Court Report for all Virginia, and DC adoption finalizations.
* ___ $200 for a Court hearing for DC finalizations.
Adoptive Father (print name)
Signature _________________________ Print Name _____________________
Date _____________________________
Adoptive Mother (print name)
Signature _________________________ Print Name _____________________
Date _____________________________
Address __________________________
Tel Number _______________________
Vivian Datoff, Director__________________
* If you want us to assign the same social worker who did your Home Study, please type his or her name here: _______________________________